Opportunities in China’s primary care and dental care markets

China has made enormous strides in recent years in developing its healthcare system, and making healthcare more accessible and affordable. China’s recent National Health Conference emphasised the government’s commitment to deepen healthcare reform over the next decade.
Join us on a unique mission to explore opportunities in China for integrated health and care services

This could not be a better time to engage with Chinese customers in every aspect of health and care outside hospital, and we have designed a mission to take maximum advantage of the opportunities currently available to UK organisations. The …
The Health and Care Innovation Expo 2016: a great forum to explore international opportunities for healthcare partnerships

I’m really excited and looking forward to my first Health and Care Innovation Expo as the new Managing Director of Healthcare UK. Once again, NHS England is running this high-profile event in Manchester and it promises to be a fantastic …
India and the UK – an unbeatable combination in healthcare

Back in June, I was privileged to accompany Sir Malcolm Grant, the chairman of NHS England, our new Managing Director Deborah Kobewka and 23 British organisations on a visit to India under the theme of “Smart Healthcare”. The delegation of …
Howard Lyons awarded CBE for his services to healthcare
Congratulations to Howard Lyons on being honoured with a CBE for services to healthcare management in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list this June. Howard retired as the Managing Director of Healthcare UK in February 2016, after launching the organisation …
Promoting Smart Cities Healthcare in India
I am really looking forward to our Smart Cities Healthcare Demonstrator in Delhi and Mumbai. Led by Sir Malcolm Grant, Chairman of NHS England and one of our Business Ambassadors, the mission is an opportunity for companies and organisations …
Towards 2020: Healthcare UK moving forward
I am delighted to be taking the helm at Healthcare UK, after 3 years of achievement under the leadership of my predecessor Howard Lyons. I’m taking over an organisation which is highly successful in it's mission to support UK organisations …
Arab Health - the Power of Four
At Arab Health 2013 Healthcare UK had its international launch. It has since developed into a dynamic and successful healthcare services matchmaker helping UK businesses, the NHS family and Universities to secure nearly £5 billion worth of business wins. This …
A legacy
The last three years since Healthcare UK was launched at Arab Health in January 2013 have been a whirlwind of activities, missions and events in all our priority markets. It is pleasing to see that the total amount of international business …
China - home to abundant opportunities for UK elderly care organisations
Twenty-one British companies and organisations met with a stream of customers last month at Zhejiang International Healthcare Expo in Hangzhou, and Care Expo in Shanghai. This was part of Healthcare UK’s Elderly Care Showcase that also provided an expert seminar …