How we’re helping Turkey deliver its massive £8bn healthcare initiative
This was a week that kicked off with a seminar at the remarkable 13th century dungeons at Windsor Castle, and took in a visit to the Francis Crick Institute near St Pancras, which – when it’s finished next year – …
How digital health is rising to the challenge of doing business in China
One of the most helpful and enlightening sessions at the recent China Health Forum centred on delegates from two top UK companies talking about their experiences of doing business in China. The three-day conference, in Beijing in August, was …
Celebrating success

On Thursday 24 July we held our first ‘Healthcare UK Business Forum’. We invited our stakeholders to join us for an open consultation, where we reported on the progress of Healthcare UK since establishing in January 2013.
Kazakhstan delegation study tour

A month ago, I had the pleasure of organising a one-week study tour for a delegation from Kazakhstan on primary care services in the UK. The visit went brilliantly. We discussed a number of issues and answered pretty much …
Seizing the opportunities in Indian healthcare

The UK is building a strong relationship with India in the development of its health services and the Indian government’s move to Universal Healthcare.
The NHS can operate commercially overseas

I joined Healthcare UK to help improve the capacity and capability of NHS organisations to operate commercially in overseas markets.
NHS in world wide demand
Should all NHS organisations be selling their services internationally?
Building great healthcare together

I first went to China to look at their health system back in 1978. The Gang of Four led by Madame Mao had just been deposed and a diminutive 74 year-old had started to gain a hold on the reins of …